Begin the conversation at your place of work or in your business community by hosting a Project WHEN Round Table Session. Let's discuss current challenges and action steps to start making our workplaces more respectful now.
Project WHEN is dedicated to put an end to workplace harassment, but we can't do it all alone--we need your help! Click below to see how you can contribute to our mission.
Nobody should have to face workplace harassment, and we’re working hard to make our places of employment more respectful environments, but we still need your help. Whether you’d like to make a financial contribution to support our work, sign the Project WHEN Pledge of Commitment, have your employer host a Project WHEN event, or just join our mailing list to learn of volunteer opportunities, everyone can get involved with Project WHEN!
Elevate awareness of workplace harassment to create a sense of urgency and a call to action for organizations to commit to proactively preventing harassment and fostering a culture of respect in the work environment
Contribute to developing a more respectful and productive workplace for all
617 Broadway, Lorain OH 44052
(978) 786-WHEN | info AT
Project WHEN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on ending harassment in workplaces everywhere.
Website Design by Arbor Technology